Saturday, November 15, 2008

Is Sun's JavaFX RIA platform a RIA?

It's been a long hype cycle for Sun's RIA strategy. JavaFx was first touted in 2007 and a public beta took almost a year to reach the hands of developers. While the official release is scheduled anytime between now and December, I can't help feel that Sun has lost momentum in a space it should own.

Earlier this year Jonathan Schwartz, CEO of Sun Microsystems, claimed that Java has always been an RIA platform. Technically, he is correct -- Java is and was "write once, run anywhere (that has the Java virtual machine)" platform. For Sun, client-side Java never really took off for Web apps and to a large extent technology like Flash, and later AJAX, stole the show. Although Java at first stumbled with performance issues, it was on par with these technologies but never seem to marry the designer tools and the developer back-end know-how efficiently.

Fast-forward to 2008 and Adobe is the clear leader in the RIA world and its investment in technologies like Flex and Air are pulling traditional Java developers away from aging technologies like Swing. On top of this Microsoft has stuck its RIA pole in the ground with Silverlight and is looking to drum up a large developer community with their technology stack. Microsoft is catching up fast.

Sun is running behind. For a company that itself boasts penetration rates of its virtual machine to be 85% of desktops, 90% of handsets, and many home entertainment devices, the progress seems slow-going.

Sun needs to be seen as innovating in this area. Technology decisions are made on progressive platforms which attract significant investment in time and resources by the company that produces it. It's simply not good enough to leave Java quietly chugging along in the corner, even if it is open source.

If Sun can marry the client-side potential of JavaFX to the server-side it will be a huge boost to the company, the Java community, and related vendors who are powered by Java technology. If not, Java certainly won't go away, but it's not going to attract a great deal of new business.

The stakes will be even higher in the embedded market for Sun, an area in which it has strong marketshare. With JavaFX for mobile devices due out in early to mid 2009 the company will need to show its platform is up to speed compared to stiff competition from Google's Java-powered Android phones, Microsoft's mobile platform, the iPhone, and other next-generation phones.

Can Sun do it? Maybe it can. Will Java live on? Of course it will. With or without Sun in the picture Java will still be innovated by the likes of IBM, Google, and Oracle. The technology just needs a clear steward to take it to the next level.

What do you think of Sun's efforts with JavaFX? Leave your thoughts in the comments section below.

Sunday, November 9, 2008


JavaFX is a family of products for creating so called Rich Internet Applications, web applications that have the features and functionality of traditional desktop applications, including interactive multimedia applications. The JavaFX products can build applications for desktop, mobile, TV and other platforms.

JavaFX consists of JavaFX Script and JavaFX Mobile.

The primary component of JavaFX is JavaFX Script, a declarative language, intended to make Swing easier to use for interface programmers or visual designers who might be more familiar with scripting languages. In JavaFX Script, the structure of the programming code is supposed to closely matche the actual layout of the GUI.

JavaFX Mobile is a Java operating system for mobile devices, including PDAs, smartphones and feature phones. It features a Java SE and Java ME implementation running on top of a Linux kernel.

JavaFX Mobile

JavaFX Mobile is a complete mobile operating and application

environment built around Java and Linux open source technologies. It is a complete, fully integrated Java software system for advanced mobile devices designed to enable developers to author rich, high-impact content and network-based services. Built around open and standards-based technologies, JavaFX Mobile enables control and flexibility for the mobile ecosystem.

Being centralized around Java technologies, JavaFX Mobile software system provides a greater scalability and portability, speed time-to-market, and enhances the consistency of applications and services. Additionally, it also provides a support for Java ME applications and other standard Java APIs which enables a broad range of new and existing Java applications.

It is like the networking in your hand. It is based on open standards. JavaFX Mobile runs on all mobile phones with Java support e.g. Nokia N800.

JavaFX Mobile, Sun's software system for mobile devices, is available via OEM (i.e. Original equipment manufacturers) license to carriers, handset manufacturers and others seeking a branded relationship with consumers. Through OEM multiple companies can simplify and accelerate the development of powerful standardized software systems to leverage the power across a wide range of consumer devices.

Additionally, It allows content creators to create rich media content without relying on developers, allowing the drag and drop of desktop and mobile content, which is not possible with any other RIA.

Get Ready for Dynamic Interactive Content on Any Device: It is unpredictable to guess what devices or platforms the end user is using; however with JavaFX, you don't have to worry about the things. JavaFX Mobile uses industry standard technologies--this means that applications built with JavaFX can run on a wide range of Java-enabled devices, and content providers can add them to their devices quickly. JavaFX Mobile includes the latest standards, like the Mobile Services Architecture, set of device APIs, which allows developers to have a rich set of highly portable capabilities.

End users always look for an exciting and dynamic content on the web and expect a better interactive experience with web services. JavaFX helps in delivering visually compelling applications, such as maps and mashups, video, audio, and pictures, that is standardize across cell phones, TVs, and more.

Reduced Integration Costs with Expanded Opportunities: Implementation of the majority of the solution in Java, including middleware and resident applications, JavaFX Mobile reduces integration costs, improves device software consistency, and enables device manufactures to provide new offerings with substantially faster time-to-market.

JavaFX Mobile Architecture:

JavaFX Mobile streamlines the environment and reduces reliance on underlying technologies by providing a complete middleware and application stack implemented in Java.

JavaFX Script

JavaFX Script is a scripting language designed by Sun Microsystems, forming part of the JavaFX family of technologies on the Java Platform. JavaFX targets the Rich Internet Application domain (competing with Adobe Flex and Microsoft Silverlight), specializing in rapid development of visually rich applications for the desktop and mobile markets. JavaFX Script works with integrated development environments like NetBeans and Eclipse. JavaFX is released under the GNU General Public License, via the Sun sponsored OpenJFX project,

Google Gmail for Mobile 2.0 Adds J2ME Support

Google Inc on Thursday launched a new version of its Gmail for Mobile. Google Gmail offers J2ME support which includes mobile devices such as NOkia N95 and RIM BlackBerry mobile phones. The online Google Gmail application has better performance and smoother scrolling.
Google Gmail for Mobile 2.0 has been released. The updated Google Gmail application offers improved performance and smoother scrolling. Gmail users with multiple accounts can now switch between them without using different applications to view messages.

Google Inc on Thursday released version 2 of its Google Gmail for Mobile application. Google Gmail has several nice features including support for offline access for the first time.

Google Gmail for Mobile 2.0 adds new support for J2ME-supported mobile phones. The Nokia N95 and BlackBerry mobile devices are some of the phones that use J2ME.

The new Gmail for Mobile application offers improved performance and speed. It also offerssmoother scrolling and fixes the "freeze" bug. Some mobile phones were freezing up while scrolling in Gmail.

"We re-architected the entire client to push all the processing to the background, greatly improve the client-side caching scheme and optimize every bottleneck piece of code we came across," Google software engineer, Derek Phillips, said in a statement.

The offline support lets users read and compose new emails offline. This feature also works when there's no 3G signal.

The mobile application now supports multiple accounts for Gmail. Users can also switch between accounts without using different applications to view messages. Gmail for Mobile 2.0 also offers support for smart phones that have a QWERTY keyboard. This feature lets users create shortcut keys for Gmail.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Debugging Java Code in the CVM

CVM supports the JVMDI, so you can connect a JPDA debugger to it without involving a
separate debug proxy of the type used by KVM. However, before you can start debugging,
you need to do two things:

1. Build the CVM with the CVM_DEBUG and CVM_JVMDI options to the make
command set to true.

2. Build the library libjdwp, which contains the native code that implements the Java
Debug Wire Protocol (JDWP). This protocol allows debuggers to connect to the VM
over a socket or using shared memory.

You can build libjdwp using the following commands:

cd $CDC/ext/jpda/build/linux

This creates the library and writes it to the file $CDC/jdk_build/linux/lib/i386/

Starting CVM for debugging requires quite a long command line:

cvm -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,address=5000
-Xbootclasspath:$CDC/build/linux/lib/foundation.jar -Dsun.boot.library.
path=$CDC/jdk_build/linux/lib/i386 -Djava.class.path=$EXAMPLES/src ora.

The options used here are as follows:


Starts the VM in debug mode. When this option is used, the VM suspends operation
before entering the main( ) method of the initial application class.


Tells the VM to use JDWP for debugging. This option requires several parameters,
separated from it by a colon and from each other by commas, that specify how the
debugger will connect to the VM. In this case, the parameters supplied are as follows:

Specifies that the debugger will connect over a socket.

Tells JDWP to take on the server role. The debugger itself acts as the client.

Specifies the port number that the server should use to listen for a connection from the
debugger client.


Specifies the location of VM's boot classes, in this case the set of core and Foundation
Profile classes that have not been prelinked into the VM.


Gives the directory in which the JWDP implementation library ( for Linux)
can be found.


Specifies the locations to be searched for application classes.

Once the CVM has started, it will suspend and wait for a debugger to connect to it on the port
specified in the -Xrunjdwp argument. If you have an IDE that supports remote JPDA
debugging (such as Forte for Java), you can use it to perform source- level debugging. Alternatively, you can use the command-line tool jdb, which is part of the J2SE SDK. To connect using jdb, you need to specify the socket address on which the VM is listening and the location at which the source code for the application's classes can be found:

jdb -attach localhost:5000 -sourcepath $EXAMPLES/src

Here, jdb and the CVM are assumed to be on the same machine, but this need not be the case.
Following connection, you need to use the step command to force the VM to enter the
main( ) method. From here, you can use jdb commands to set breakpoints, list the source
code around the line currently being executed, inspect and modify objects and fields, and so

By default, when you use the -Xdebug argument, the JVMDI support in the VM starts at the
same time as the VM itself and suspends execution until a debugger connects to it. However,
you can choose to have JVMDI defer its initialization until an exception of a named type or an
uncaught exception is thrown. The latter case is often the type of error that you would like to
use a debugger to investigate, but starting the VM in debug usually causes it to execute byte
codes more slowly. Using this feature, you can run the VM at full speed until the exception

The options that control the point at which the debugging features initialize is part of the -
Xrunjdwp argument. The following command:

cvm -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_
socket,server=y,address=5000,onuncaught=y -Xbootclasspath:$CDC/build/
linux/lib/foundation.jar -Dsun.boot.library.path=$CDC/jdk_build/linux/
lib/i386 -Djava.class.path=$EXAMPLES/src ora.ch7.CVMException

adds the onuncaught option with value y, which delays initialization of the JVMDI until an
uncaught exception occurs. The class ora.ch7.CVMException used here waits for 10
seconds, then deliberately causes a NullPointerException that it does not catch, at which
point the debug facilities initialize and the VM is suspended. You can now start jdb to analyze
the problem.

Alternatively, if you simply want to start debugging when a NullPointerException occurs,
use the onthrow option, which requires the class name of the exception to wait for:

cvm -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_
-Xbootclasspath:$CDC/build/linux/lib/foundation.jar -Dsun.boot.library.
path=$CDC/jdk_build/linux/lib/i386 -Djava.class.path=$EXAMPLES/src

Finally, you can use the launch option to cause a command to be executed when the VM
debug facilities initialize. This option requires the name of the command, which should be
either an absolute path or the name of an executable on your search path (i.e., included in the
PATH variable for Linux). When it is started, the program receives the transport name and
address used by the debugger as arguments -- that is, it is effectively run with arguments like

name dt_socket 5000

One way to make use of this is to create a script that starts jdb when the condition that starts
the JVMDI support occurs, like this:

jdb -attach localhost:$2 -sourcepath $EXAMPLES/src

If you put these lines into a file called (in a directory included in your PATH
variable) and make it executable (using a command like chmod +x, the
following command:

cvm -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_
NullPointerException, -Xbootclasspath:$CDC/build/
linux/lib/foundation.jar -Dsun.boot.library.path=$CDC/jdk_build/linux/
lib/i386 -Djava.class.path=$EXAMPLES/src ora.ch7.CVMException

runs the VM until a NullPointerException occurs, at which point it initializes the JVMDI
code, suspends bytecode execution, and runs your script. This results in jdb starting and
connecting to the VM, using the port number that is passed as the second argument to the

Saturday, October 4, 2008

MIDP GUI Programming

User interface requirements for handheld devices are different from those for desktop computers. For example, the display size of handheld devices is smaller, and input devices do not always include pointing tools such as a mouse or pen input. For these reasons, you cannot follow the same user-interface programming guidelines for applications running on handheld devices that you can on desktop computers.

The CLDC itself does not define any GUI functionality. Instead, the official GUI classes for the J2ME are included in profiles such as the MIDP and are defined by the Java Community Process (JCP). You'll note that the GUI classes included in the MIDP are not based on the Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT).

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Basic I/O

This article the Java platform classes used for basic I/O. It focuses primarily on I/O Streams, a powerful concept that greatly simplifies I/O operations. The article also looks at serialization, which lets a program write whole objects out to streams and read them back again. Then the article looks at some file system operations, including random access files. Finally, it touches briefly on the advanced features of the New I/O API. Most of the classes covered are in the package.

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Using and Programming Generics in J2SE 5.0

 A Java collection is a flexible data structure that can hold heterogeneous objects where the elements may have any reference type. It is your responsibility, however, to keep track of what types of objects your collections contain. As an example, consider adding an int to a collection; since you cannot have collections of primitive data types you must convert the int to the corresponding reference type (i.e. Integer) before storing it in the collection. Now, when the element is extracted from the collection an Object is returned that must be cast to an Integer in order to ensure type safety. All this makes Java programs unnecessarily hard to read and maintain, and are more likely to fail with runtime errors.
If the compiler could keep track of the element type, you do not need to keep track of what collections you have and the need for casting would be eliminated. This would make programs easier to read and maintain, and less likely to fail at runtime. J2SE 5.0 has added a new core language feature known as generics (also known as parameterized types), that provides compile-time type safety for collections and eliminate the drudgery of casting. The effort of adding generics to Java is led by Sun Microsystems as JSR 14 under the Java Community Process (JCP).
Generics are one of the most frequently requested language extensions to Java, and they have been finally added in J2SE 5.0. This article provides an introduction to programming with generics.
The Need for Generics
The motivation for adding generics to the Java programming language stems from the lack of information about a collection's element type, the need for developers to keep track of what type of elements collections contain, and the need for casts all over the place. Using generics, a collection is no longer treated as a list of Object references, but you would be able to differentiate between a collection of references to Integers and collection of references to Bytes. A collection with a generic type has a type parameter that specifies the element type to be stored in the collection.

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Much of what's been written about Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition (J2ME) talks about the Connected Limited Device Configuration, or CLDC for short. The CLDC defines an extremely small subset of the Java Platform for very limited devices -- devices, like cellular telephones, that do not have enough memory or enough processing power to handle a full-blown Java implementation. There is, however, another configuration available that is midway between the CLDC and a full Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition (J2SE) implementation: the Connected Device Profile, or CDC for short.

The CDC defines a much less radical subset of J2SE. Unlike the CLDC, which is aimed at devices with less (often much less) than 512K bytes of total available memory, the CDC requires devices to have at least 2 megabytes of total memory available for Java. This can be a combination of read-only and read-write memory. The Java virtual machine (VM) and core class libraries are likely to be stored in read-only or flash memory.

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Friday, October 3, 2008

Return-Type-Based Method Overloading in Java

It is an accepted fact that Java does not support return-type-based method overloading. This means that a class cannot have two methods that differ only by return type -- you can't have int doXyz(int x) and double doXyz(int x) in the same class. And indeed, the Java compiler duly rejects any such attempt. But recently I discovered a way to do this, which I wish to share with all. Along the way, we will also explore some rudiments of Java bytecode programming

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An Introduction to the Lightweight User Interface Toolkit (LWUIT)

Java ME allows us to write applications that are, generally speaking, portable across a wide range of small devices that support the platform. While the basic functionalities usually work well on all supported devices, the area that does pose problems for developers is the user interface. Native implementations of javax.microedition.lcdui -- the primary API for UIs in Java ME -- differ so widely from one device to another that maintaining a device independent and uniform look and feel is virtually impossible.
Non-uniform look and feel is not the only reason why developers have been waiting for something better to turn up. The javax.microedition.lcdui package does not support components and capabilities that can fully satisfy present-day user expectations.
It is in this context that the arrival of Lightweight User Interface Toolkit (LWUIT) is so exciting. LWUIT offers a wide range of widgets for building UIs. While some of these widgets are also available under lcdui, there are a number of new ones that enable application developers to design UIs that can come very close to their desktop counterparts in terms of visual sophistication. Even the components that are also offered by lcdui have been functionally enhanced. And LWUIT is not just about new components, either. The API supports a whole range of new functionalities, too -- theming, transitions, and more.

Java Media Framework Player API

Multimedia playback comes to Java! Learn how to start using audio and video in your applets and applications

What is the Java Media Framework?

The JMF is a set of three new APIs being co-defined by the JMF Working Group members -- Sun, Silicon Graphics, and Intel. These APIs eventually will include Java Media Player, Capture, and Conferencing. The first to be delivered, the Player API provides a framework for implementors to build media players and provide them in a standard way on all Java platforms. The JMF specification is flexible enough to allow developers to extend players by adding their own nodes (such as images filters, audio reverb effects, and so on) or to use the standard players without making any additions.

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Painting in AWT and Swing

In a graphical system, a windowing toolkit is usually responsible for providing a framework to make it relatively painless for a graphical user interface (GUI) to render the right bits to the screen at the right time.

Both the AWT (abstract windowing toolkit) and Swing provide such a framework. But the APIs that implement it are not well understood by some developers -- a problem that has led to programs not performing as well as they could.

This article explains the AWT and Swing paint mechanisms in detail. Its purpose is to help developers write correct and efficient GUI painting code. While the article covers the general paint mechanism (where and when to render), it does not tell how to use Swing's graphics APIs to render a correct output

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Double Buffering and Page Flipping

Tips for reducing flicker while rendering images which moves

Suppose you had to draw an entire picture on the screen, pixel by pixel or line by line. If you were to draw such a thing directly to the screen (using, say, Graphics.drawLine), you would probably notice with much disappointment that it takes a bit of time. You will probably even notice visible artifacts of how your picture is drawn. Rather than watching things being drawn in this fashion and at this pace, most programmers use a technique called double-buffering.

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Introduction to Java media programming

Learn the basics of Java-based multimedia with the Java Media and Communication APIs

Java as a versatile programming language has gained widespread acceptance in the two-plus years since its introduction. It is widely espoused as having the usual benefits with which we are all familiar: cross-platform portability, a fairly secure runtime environment, strong networking and connectivity APIs, and so on.

However, no one could credibly argue that the Java platform as we know it (the 1.0 and 1.1 core platforms) is a multimedia power house. In fact, far from offering a robust set of multimedia APIs, Java as a platform still is adding a great many features and gaining acceptance. Media support is only now beginning to roll into the core platform (as part of the upcoming 1.2 release, which will include the Java 2D API and Java Sound engine).

These developments show promise for Java's media capabilities. In future installments of this column we'll be exploring the many aspects of this promise.

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Image processing with Java 2D

Sophisticated image processing support comes to Java in the 2D API

Image processing is the art and science of manipulating digital images. It stands with one foot firmly in mathematics and the other in aesthetics, and is a critical component of graphical computer systems. If you've ever bothered with creating your own images for Web pages, you will no doubt appreciate the importance of Photoshop's image manipulation capabilities for cleaning up scans and clearing up less-than-optimal images.

If you did any image processing work in JDK 1.0 or 1.1, you probably remember that it was a little obtuse. The old model of image data producers and consumers is unwieldy for image processing. Before JDK 1.2, image processing involved MemoryImageSources, PixelGrabbers, and other such arcana. Java 2D, however, provides a cleaner, easier to use model.

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Saving bitmap files in Java

A tutorial -- including all the code you need to write a bitmap file from an image object

A tutorial on how to save images in 24-bit bitmap files and a code snip you can use to write a bitmap file from an image object.

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Beginning J2ME: Building MIDlets

MIDP (Mobile Information Device Profile) applications are piquantly called MIDlets, a continuation of the naming theme begun by applets and servlets. Writing MIDlets is relatively easy for a moderately experienced Java programmer. After all, the programming language is still Java. Furthermore, many of the fundamental APIs from java.lang and are basically the same in the MIDP as they are in J2SE. Learning the new APIs (in the javax.microedition hierarchy) is not terribly difficult.

The actual development process, however, is a little more complicated for MIDlets than it is for J2SE applications. Beyond a basic compile-and-run cycle, MIDlets require some additional tweaking and packaging. The complete build cycle goes like this: edit, source code, compile, preverify, package, test or deploy.

To show how things work, and to give you a taste of MIDlet development, this article is dedicated to building and running a simple MIDlet. In this article, you'll get a feel for the big picture of MIDlet development.

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How to break a String into tokens with the StringTokenizer class

When working with any general-purpose programming language, it's often necessary to break a large string into smaller components. Whether you're working with Unix system files, older Windows' ".ini" files, or maybe flat files in a text database, you'll often read in a record of information, and then break that record up into smaller chunks.

In this article we'll demonstrate how to break Java String's into smaller components, called tokens. We'll begin by breaking a simple well-known sentence into words, and then we'll demonstrate how to use the same technique to work with a flat-file database.

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Random Numbers in Java

Java has a rich toolkit for generating random numbers, in a class named "Random". Random can generate many kinds of random number, not all of which I discuss here.

The best way to think of class Random is that its instances are random number generator objects -- objects that go around spitting out random numbers of various sorts in response to messages from their clients.

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How to make a JAVA application - executable JAR archive

Save all files from below into a directory. (rename *.java.txt to *.java)
Create a batch file with the following content:
jar cvfm DiveLog.jar mymanifest DiveLog.class DiveLog$1.class DiveLog$2.class Welcome.class

Watch the line wrap: There are only 2 lines in the batch file, one starting with javac and the other with jar.
Run the batch file and it should compile the application and create DiveLog.jar, which can be clicked in order to run it.

You can also run the application from the command line by typing:
java -jar DiveLog.jar
which does the same like clicking on the icon of the application, but you can see any output written by System.out.println("..."); or error messages.

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Debugging with the Eclipse Platform

Use Eclipse for debugging your software projects

Find out how to use the built-in debugging features in the Eclipse Platform for debugging software projects. Debugging is something programmers can't avoid. There are many ways to go about it, but it essentially comes down to finding the code responsible for a bug. For example, one of the most common errors in Linux® applications is known as a segmentation fault. This occurs when a program attempts to access memory not allocated to it and terminates with a segmentation violation. To fix this kind of error, you need to find the line of code that triggers the behavior. Once the line of code in question has been found, it is also useful to know the context in which the error occurs, and the associated values, variables, and methods. The use of a debugger makes finding this information quite simple.

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What Is Performance?

"More computing sins are committed in the name of efficiency (without necessarily achieving it) than for any other single reason-including blind stupidity."

W. A. Wulf

Before we can discuss how to improve performance, it's necessary to define what performance is. This isn't as simple as it sounds-people often mean very different things when they talk about performance. There are several aspects of performance, each of which contribute to the overall performance of an application.

Computers fascinate people with their ability to carry out tasks with blinding speed. When a computer, for whatever reason, doesn't perform a task quickly, users are disappointed. Developers often use the terms "speed" and "performance" interchangeably. However, to understand the different types of problems that can be encountered, all of the different aspects of performance must be considered:

  • Computational performance
  • RAM footprint
  • Startup time
  • Scalability
  • Perceived performance

These factors lay the foundation for a better understanding of the performance landscape. Some aspects of performance are primarily applicable to client-side systems, some to server-side systems, and some to both. Understanding how each factor can contribute to the performance characteristics of a system will help you analyze the performance of your own applications.

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RAM Footprint

A program that uses too much memory can force the operating system to rely on virtual memory. Because virtual memory is many times slower than physical RAM, relying on virtual memory can result in slow performance and a poor user experience. While developing your system, be aware of your target deployment environment and consider how much RAM will be available on machines running your software.

Before you can optimize your program's footprint, it's important to understand how memory is used. There are many common misconceptions about how memory is consumed by Java programs, and it is easy to put a lot of effort into footprint control for relatively small gains. By understanding the factors that contribute to footprint, you can make informed decisions when coding.

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Using MediaTracker to help load images

When loading images over a network, a common problem which Java applets face is images not loading properly. On a fast network connection the image will load quickly, but over a slow modem or network connection, images take longer, or may not arrive at all. Users may be confused by blank images - particularly when a sequence of images are being displayed. One simple way to let your users know you're still loading is to use MediaTracker, which allows applets to detect when images are loaded.

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Java vs C in speed performance

Fiction :
Java is a hundred times slower than C, so you shouldn't ever use it for "serious" programming.

Fact :
The original Java Virtual Machines were slow, so slow that a comparable C application was about twenty times faster. The gap between C/C++ and Java is growing smaller though, thanks to better designed JVMs, and Just-In-Time (JIT) compilers that convert bytecode to native machine code at runtime.

Much of the cause for speed concerns is actually over applet loading - large applets take a long time to load initially. Thankfully, Java applications and servlets are not subject to such slow loading times.

Fiction :
Applets can read your hard-drive, and delete files

Fact :
Any attempt by an applet to access local files will throw a SecurityException. If uncaught, the applet will crash, but no file access will occur.

The only exception to this rule is for digitally signed applets, which may be granted additional privileges. Your browser will display a dialog box, asking you if you want to accept the identity of the applet author. Choose no if unsure, and you'll always be safe.

Thread Synchronization

One of the strengths of the Java programming language is its support for multithreading at the language level. Much of this support centers on synchronization: coordinating activities and data access among multiple threads. The mechanism that Java uses to support synchronization is the monitor. This chapter describes monitors and shows how they are used by the Java virtual machine. It describes how one aspect of monitors, the locking and unlocking of data, is supported in the instruction set.

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Inside the Java Virtual Machine

The Java virtual machine is called "virtual" because it is an abstract computer defined by a specification. To run a Java program, you need a concrete implementation of the abstract specification. This chapter describes primarily the abstract specification of the Java virtual machine. To illustrate the abstract definition of certain features, however, this chapter also discusses various ways in which those features could be implemented.

What is a Java Virtual Machine?

To understand the Java virtual machine you must first be aware that you may be talking about any of three different things when you say "Java virtual machine." You may be speaking of:

  • the abstract specification,
  • a concrete implementation, or
  • a runtime instance.
The abstract specification is a concept, described in detail in the book: The Java Virtual Machine Specification, by Tim Lindholm and Frank Yellin. Concrete implementations, which exist on many platforms and come from many vendors, are either all software or a combination of hardware and software. A runtime instance hosts a single running Java application.

Each Java application runs inside a runtime instance of some concrete implementation of the abstract specification of the Java virtual machine. In this book, the term "Java virtual machine" is used in all three of these senses. Where the intended sense is not clear from the context, one of the terms "specification," "implementation," or "instance" is added to the term "Java virtual machine".

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Handling memory leaks in Java programs

Find out when memory leaks are a concern and how to prevent them

Memory leaks in Java programs? Absolutely. Contrary to popular belief, memory management is still a consideration in Java programming. In this article, you'll learn what causes Java memory leaks and when these leaks should be of concern. You'll also get a quick hands-on lesson for tackling leaks in your own projects.

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MVC meets Swing

Explore the underpinnings of the JFC's Swing components

A good software user interface often finds its genesis in the user interfaces present in the physical world. Consider for a moment a simple button like one of the keys on the keyboard in front of you. With such a button there is a clean separation between the parts that compose the button's mechanism and the parts that compose its façade. The building block called a keyboard key is actually composed of two pieces. Once piece gives it its button-like behavior. The other piece is responsible for its appearance.

This construction turns out to be a powerful design feature. It encourages reuse rather than redesign. Because your keyboard's keys were designed that way, it's possible to reuse the button mechanism design, and replace the key tops to create a new key rather than designing each key from scratch. This creates a substantial savings in design effort and time.

Not surprisingly, similar benefits occur when this technique is applied to software development. One commonly used implementation of this technique in software is the design pattern called Model/View/Controller (MVC).

That's all well and good, but you're probably wondering how this relates to the Swing user interface components in the Java Foundation Classes (JFC). Well, I'll tell you.

While the MVC design pattern is typically used for constructing entire user interfaces, the designers of the JFC used it as the basis for each individual Swing user interface component. Each user interface component (whether a table, button, or scrollbar) has a model, a view, and a controller. Furthermore, the model, view, and controller pieces can change, even while the component is in use. The result is a user interface toolkit of almost unmatched flexibility.

Let me show you how it works.

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Introduction to the AWT

A description of Java's user interface toolkit

The Java programming language class library provides a user interface toolkit called the Abstract Windowing Toolkit, or the AWT. The AWT is both powerful and flexible. Newcomers, however, often find that its power is veiled. The class and method descriptions found in the distributed documentation provide little guidance for the new programmer. Furthermore, the available examples often leave many important questions unanswered. Of course, newcomers should expect some difficulty. Effective graphical user interfaces are inherently challenging to design and implement, and the sometimes complicated interactions between classes in the AWT only make this task more complex. However, with proper guidance, the creation of a graphical user interface using the AWT is not only possible, but relatively straightforward.

This article covers some of the philosophy behind the AWT and addresses the practical concern of how to create a simple user interface for an applet or application.

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Java's garbage-collected heap

An introduction to the garbage-collected
heap of the Java virtual machine

Why garbage collection?

Garbage collection relieves programmers from the burden of freeing allocated memory. Knowing when to explicitly free allocated memory can be very tricky. Giving this job to the JVM has several advantages. First, it can make programmers more productive. When programming in non-garbage-collected languages the programmer can spend many late hours (or days or weeks) chasing down an elusive memory problem. When programming in Java the programmer can use that time more advantageously by getting ahead of schedule or simply going home to have a life.

A second advantage of garbage collection is that it helps ensure program integrity. Garbage collection is an important part of Java's security strategy. Java programmers are unable to accidentally (or purposely) crash the JVM by incorrectly freeing memory.

A potential disadvantage of a garbage-collected heap is that it adds an overhead that can affect program performance. The JVM has to keep track of which objects are being referenced by the executing program, and finalize and free unreferenced objects on the fly. This activity will likely require more CPU time than would have been required if the program explicitly freed unnecessary memory. In addition, programmers in a garbage-collected environment have less control over the scheduling of CPU time devoted to freeing objects that are no longer needed.

Fortunately, very good garbage collection algorithms have been developed, and adequate performance can be achieved for all but the most demanding of applications. Because Java's garbage collector runs in its own thread, it will, in most cases, run transparently alongside the execution of the program. Plus, if a programmer really wants to explicitly request a garbage collection at some point, System.gc() or Runtime.gc() can be invoked, which will fire off a garbage collection at that time.

The Java programmer must keep in mind that it is the garbage collector that runs finalizers on objects. Because it is not generally possible to predict exactly when unreferenced objects will be garbage collected, it is not possible to predict when object finalizers will be run. Java programmers, therefore, should avoid writing code for which program correctness depends upon the timely finalization of objects. For example, if a finalizer of an unreferenced object releases a resource that is needed again later by the program, the resource will not be made available until after the garbage collector has run the object finalizer. If the program needs the resource before the garbage collector has gotten around to finalizing the unreferenced object, the program is out of luck.

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Another interesting article on Garbage Collection