Explore the underpinnings of the JFC's Swing components
A good software user interface often finds its genesis in the user interfaces present in the physical world. Consider for a moment a simple button like one of the keys on the keyboard in front of you. With such a button there is a clean separation between the parts that compose the button's mechanism and the parts that compose its façade. The building block called a keyboard key is actually composed of two pieces. Once piece gives it its button-like behavior. The other piece is responsible for its appearance.This construction turns out to be a powerful design feature. It encourages reuse rather than redesign. Because your keyboard's keys were designed that way, it's possible to reuse the button mechanism design, and replace the key tops to create a new key rather than designing each key from scratch. This creates a substantial savings in design effort and time.
Not surprisingly, similar benefits occur when this technique is applied to software development. One commonly used implementation of this technique in software is the design pattern called Model/View/Controller (MVC).
That's all well and good, but you're probably wondering how this relates to the Swing user interface components in the Java Foundation Classes (JFC). Well, I'll tell you.
While the MVC design pattern is typically used for constructing entire user interfaces, the designers of the JFC used it as the basis for each individual Swing user interface component. Each user interface component (whether a table, button, or scrollbar) has a model, a view, and a controller. Furthermore, the model, view, and controller pieces can change, even while the component is in use. The result is a user interface toolkit of almost unmatched flexibility.
Let me show you how it works.
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